Today I turn 40! I really had to build up to being excited about this! It’s more important how I feel on the inside than the outside!
I started Trim Healthy Mama 5 years ago. Someone actually gave me their book! I was all over the place with how to get healthy and loose weight! My mom had just passed away of ovarian cancer and I was so afraid of food taking me down her path. I was a vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist… You name it, I did it!
After losing weight with baby number 5 on THM, I was able to have a THM pregnancy and nurse with baby number 6. It was the fastest recovery of all the children. Going from a size 12 to a size 2 I discovered those ugly words… diastisis recti. I discovered my gap was big enough to fit my entire fist in. My 6th baby is 3 1/2 and I have been working hard on closing that abdominal gap, feeling strong and proving that age is a mere number!
My goals with THM are always changing. First it was about just losing 10 pounds. Then it was feeling comfortable in shorts. I rarely stand on a scale. I go by how I look in a mirror and how I feel in my clothes! I eat more E’s than S. I never cheat… only treat!
These pictures are on my desktop and remind me of not how hard life used to be, but how hard I worked to now feel fabulous… at 40!!!!!