It is by the grace of God that at 48 I am able to do more things than I could 20 years ago. I have run two 5K’s with another coming up. I feel so much better, have more energy and can get up off the floor without having to crawl to the couch first to pull myself up.
I wish I had known about this plan when I was in high school. I have always been overweight. I remember being so excited to fit into a size 14 pair of flowered jeans (anyone remember those). But I did it by eating practically nothing. So that didn’t last. In the before picture I was a size 28 and now I am a size 16. And I did it by eating cheesecake for breakfast and cookies and chocolate and so many tasty things.
I started THM in February of 2016. I had the first book for literally a year and never started. Then when that first cookbook came out I got it right away. It was so helpful in putting the plan into practice. This is something you can do! I was even able to stay on plan when my mom had to be in the hospital for 29 days. It wasn’t perfect and I sure had a lot of chicken salad, since it was easy to make, but it was possible to stay on plan through it all.
I’m so thankful for Serene and Pearl for sharing this plan with us. And I’m so thankful to their families for sharing Serene and Pearl with all us Mama’s. What a difference this has made in my life. Now I plan to put my daughter on THM (shhhh! Don’t tell) and Trim Healthy Table will be so helpful in doing that.