
Over 100lbs lost for good! Trim Healthy Mama has given me my life back. My kids get an active mom, and I have the energy to keep going even after a long day of teaching! Don’t quit, make the plan work for you!!

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In the first picture, I had already lost 40 pounds (in five months) on Trim Healthy Mama, but my husband wasn’t on plan yet. Together we’ve lost over 100 pounds now (76 for me total), and I’m slowly gaining with my next pregnancy. Don’t cheat, don’t quit, and get your E meals/snacks (3 a day for me).

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This is a pic of my kids on Easter, two years apart. The boys have been doing Trim Healthy Mama with me since last July and have both lost a bunch. The oldest (16, right) has lost over 50 lbs and the middle (14, left) has lost 40 and is at ‘goal weight’ . . . When I say goal weight, I mean in range on the BMI charts. He eats crossovers and such now, and still loses a bit.;-) But they have done amazingly well . . . it’s fun when the oldest one can take back hand-me-down clothes he gave to the younger one! Hehe.

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Today is my 9-month Trimmiversary!

The first pic is me at one of my heaviest times (in 2010). The last pic is me last night! Thank you SO MUCH to Pearl and Serene for teaching me how to properly feed and fuel my body. I’ve lost 33 lbs since I started this plan. And I eat more now than I ever have in my life! My amazing husband has been training me at the gym for the past month. Take it one meal at a time Mamas! IT WORKS!!!

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So grateful for my first challenge Sept 1, 2015.

Exactly 1 year ago I took my first before pics and stuck to the plan! What a difference a year makes when you keep sticking to it!! You can do it!!!

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Hit my goal weight yesterday!

Start: 187 lbs
Now: 145lbs

Thankful for Trim Healthy Mama! Hoping to continue to lose a little more but so thankful for how far I’ve come!

I was introduced to the plan in March and by that time I had gotten down to 165-169lbs by practicing several restricting (unhealthy) diets. I didn’t go 100% on plan until late July. Since this time I have been able to reach my goal weight! But more than that, I have blossomed emotionally! I spent a few days recently in New Mexico hunting with my dad and I was able to hike and keep up! I feel amazing!

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In October of 2014, I hit rock bottom with my weight. I’d been overweight for all of my adult life, and I weighed in at my highest weight of 328.4 lbs. I felt horrible, and I knew I was not being a good role model for my daughters, so I made up my mind that I was going to do whatever it took to get the extra weight off, all 150 lbs of it.

I’d tried every diet known to man in the past, and while some worked for a while, the weight always came back, plus more. So I started out just trying to lose weight on my own by watching what I ate. In 4 months, I only managed to lose 14 lbs. In February of 2015, I discovered the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan and figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. This literally saved my life. The weight began to effortlessly drop, and by July, I had lost an additional 56.8 lbs!

I began to worry about loose skin issues, and after a good friend recommended that I start lifting, I joined a gym. This was the second best decision I ever made. I began to lift heavy in the gym 6 days a week. My weight loss drastically slowed, but the inches began falling off as I lost fat and added muscle. My focus has switched from being skinny to being strong, as I have fallen in love with the sport of powerlifting, even competed in my first powerlifting meet in September 2015, and set a new state record for my weight class by deadlifting 280 lbs.

I have now gone from 328.4 lbs to 243.8 lbs, losing 84.6 lbs and 92.25 inches. I have gone from a size 24/26 pants to a 16, and from a snug 3X shirt to a L. However, I have gained more than I have lost. I now have high self confidence, positive body image, great health, and tons of energy for the first time in my life.

I haven’t reached my goal, but I have confidence that I will get there. Slow progress is still progress, and I am never going back to the girl I used to be. She’s gone forever. I hope to be at my goal by this time next year. I hope to inspire others to start turning their dreams into reality. If I can do this, anyone can!

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First off, God is so good!!! See these 3 precious children in this picture? Well, with lots of praying and fertility shots and treatments, we were blessed with them. See that little precious one in the ultrasound picture? God decided to surprise us and give us the shock of a lifetime.

We have been married almost 12 years with no ‘luck’ of getting pregnant on my own (I don’t believe in luck, but you know what I mean). So, I started Trim Healthy Mama in September of last year and lost 57 lbs and about 3 months into starting it, I started getting my period more regular. I have had PCOS since I was around 13 years old and have NEVER had a normal period, so it’s just so amazing that my body worked and I have this precious baby growing inside me!!! My husband and I are so in love with this baby already. Thankful to be 11 weeks and 3 days today

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One year ago, my friend Sherri S. told me about Trim Healthy Mama for my prediabetic son . . . she did so much more than help my son . . . she changed my family tree.

When I started THM, I was wearing XL scrubs, 18/20 clothes that were all sausage casing tight. Now I EASILY fit into medium scrubs (and have started buying smalls because many of my mediums are too large on me!) and wear size 8 and 10 clothes. Size SMALL in many items.

The NSV’s over the past year are immense!

*Off all thyroid meds (I have both graves’ and hashimoto’s)

*I no longer have insomnia – omgosh, it’s GLORIOUS!

*My breast tissue is no longer very dense – the technician actually thought she had the wrong films from previous scans, my tissue is so textbook looking now!

*I have plenty of energy . . . no longer have that 2pm droop.

*My metabolism is FIXED!

*I do not have morning/all day nausea . . . if anything I can eat my weight in spinach and eggs first thing in the morning.

*My skin feels soft – no weird lumpies anywhere!

*My varicose veins – are all but gone! There’s only 2 left – and they’re still fading – they used to be scary thick and very lumpy – had great concerns about throwing blood clots they were so large – if you feel the skin around those varicose veins, the skin is smooth . . . amazing!

*My body gradually shrunk into a very pretty body shape . . . I like my body now! It had been hiding for a while.

*Recently did bone density scan – and my bone density is off the charts good! I’m a 44 year-old woman with the bones of a 12 year-old! Not too bad (and yes, I do joke I have a dense molecular structure – related to Superman, *grin*) and that bone density result just reinforces it!

*Oh, a big NSV is that I do not have constipation issues at all. I love that! I also have celiac disease and Waardenburg Syndrome (only have GI involvement, interestingly, I’m hearing, not Deaf.)

I am sure there’s more, but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.

Stats – I started in the 200 pound range, give or take 20 pounds. I know I was up to 270 pounds there for a while. That picture on left is me around 220 pounds. The picture on the right, taken today!

Was the organizer of an entire town children’s halloween party . . . seemed appropriate to dress up as Wonder Woman. *grin*. I weigh 151 pounds in that picture. I’m 5’5″ tall. The testing I did along with bone density suggested I lose another 11 pounds. I looked at the woman that day and said, ‘Where? Where do I need to lose it? I feel great, I look great, I don’t agree with your computer results.’ And she honestly agreed with me. I don’t care if I ever lose that last 11 pounds. I wasn’t really ‘in’ THM to lose weight . . . that was just an incredible bonus!

My entire family trimmed down too on the journey. My husband has ABS (stomach muscles)! and he doesn’t work out! My middle kid, he’s looking pretty darn awesome and his a1c numbers are looking pretty good, too!

Forever grateful to the sisters for sharing their knowledge. It has changed my family tree and I have hope for the future. Hope I will see my children grow up and even meet THEIR children. . . My genetic history isn’t the greatest and I really didn’t think that was a possibility for me. But now, I have that hope and excitement for the future. . .

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Husband update: 54 pounds gone! From a 44 pants size to a 36! Feeling better/healthier than he can ever remember! Thank you, Trim Healthy Mama for this awesome way of eating! 9 months on plan and loving life!

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