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Chocolate Chip Pancakes (S)
PEARL CHATS: My daughter Meadow created these. Chocolate Chip Pancakes were her very favorite special breakfast as a child, but once she became an adult she realized they were very hard on her waistline. She has been happily eating these pancakes ever since, staying slender while doing so. This recipe is found in the "Breakfast & Baked Goods, Blood Sugar-Balancing Breakfasts" section of the Trim Healthy Table Cookbook, page 341.
Chocolate Chip Pancakes (S)
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PEARL CHATS: My daughter Meadow created these. Chocolate Chip Pancakes were her very favorite special breakfast as a child, but once she became an adult she realized they were very hard on her waistline. She has been happily eating these pancakes ever since, staying slender while doing so. This recipe is found in the "Breakfast & Baked Goods, Blood Sugar-Balancing Breakfasts" section of the Trim Healthy Table Cookbook, page 341.
1Single-Serve Recipe that Makes 3 to 4 Pancakes
1Single-Serve Recipe that Makes 3 to 4 Pancakes
  1. Mix together the egg, Baking Blend, sweetener, nut milk, baking powder, vanilla (if using), and coconut oil (if using) in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk or fork. Add a couple more tablespoons nut milk if needed to get the perfect batter consistency. Add the chocolate chips and stir again. Let sit for a few minutes while you heat the griddle.
  2. Turn an electric griddle to medium heat. Once hot, coat with coconut oil cooking spray or a smear of butter. Ladle on the pancake batter to make 3 or 4 pancakes. Cook on one side for about 3 minutes, then flip to brown the other side for a couple minutes.
  3. Top with a dollop of extra butter (or coconut oil if dairy-free) and pancake syrup or chocolate syrup.
Recipe Notes

If you are a Drive-Thru Sue, find a store-bought sugar-free syrup as close to plan as possible. An erythritol/stevia-sweetened syrup would be optimum but harder to find in stores (until we release our own brand... hopefully soon!), but you can get away with some sorbitol-sweetened syrup here and there. Avoid maltitol if you can.