
Just had to brag on my Trim Healthy Teen — my almost 16 year-old son. We went to the lake that is close to us where we spend a lot of our summer days and today happened to be the first day we’ve made it up there this summer vacation. Anyway, I snapped a picture of him because the difference between last summer to today was amazing! We need to buy him a smaller pair of swim trunks–last year’s are huge on him!

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Inspiring Testimony from this Trim Healthy Man (show this to your husband’s, Ladies)!

My name is Bruce P. and I live in west central Ohio in a little town called Cairo. I am a tradesman by trade who installs flooring and does small remodel projects.

I always joked around with people that I could eat what ever I wanted because I burnt it off and that I didn’t have to go to the gym because I got all the exercise I needed at work. Well, after I turned fifty, that started to change. I think my metabolism slowed down and I began to slow down. I started gaining storage fat around my midsection mostly. From age 50 to 54 I went from about 175 lbs to 188 lbs. I thought no big deal, I will work it off some day.

We have always been a pretty healthy family as my wife was a stay-at-home-Mom raising five kids. We ate a lot of fruits and veggies, soda pop was rare, and whole grains were used, etc. After we became empty nesters, my wife was determined to get rid of her unwanted extra weight. About three years ago she quit sugar, cold turkey. In a year and a half or so, she lost about 30 lbs. Then she started implementing the principles of Trim Healthy Mama and lost another 30 lbs!

I was watching her success and the vitality she was enjoying. She has always been beautiful, but she has become pretty fetching lately! Well, I was getting pretty tired of getting winded easily, feeling sluggish, and having those darn love handles! Incidentally, my wife had been introducing THM meals and desserts for over a year, some openly and some covertly! Finally, I said to her, ‘Okay, I give up! Whatever you are doing food wise I am ready to jump in. Right here, right now!’ I quit sugar immediately and she fixed me my first S Meal the next morning and we haven’t looked back! She is delighted that we are eating the same foods now, so she doesn’t have to cook or bake twice anymore! We adjust things a little for me, because I can handle more crossovers because of my work.

Anyway, I have lost about 17 lbs and have been eating more variety of foods than ever before. More importantly, I feel so much better! In fact I am now doing strength building exercises. I had an epiphany a couple months ago as I thought about professional athletes and athletes in general. ATHLETES DO NOT PLAY THE GAME TO STAY FIT, THE STAY FIT SO THEY CAN PLAY THE GAME! My thinking was all wrong. Because I have a job that depends on my ability to do physical labor it is all the more important that I stay healthy and strong! Just want to thank you all for the knowledge you have shared so we can be nutritionally free!

Attached are two photos. One from this past Easter and I had not started the plan yet.
The other is a picture is of my wife and I at the Zoo last weekend.

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I started THM in June 2017. I have 8 kids ages 10 to 5 months. I started at a size 12/14 and am wearing XS/S 4/6!!! Feeling great! Thank you so much Pearl and Serene!

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Celebrating our 4-month Trim Healthy Anniversary. We love Trim Healthy Mama and how healthy we look and feel.

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On the days I mess up and get discouraged, and when I’ve had a day of cheats and feel extra pudgy, I have to take the time to remind myself how far I’ve come. This change has not been of my own strength, but by God’s grace alone.

Trim Healthy Mama is not a journey, it’s a lifestyle. I’ve learned so much about food freedom! I’m an emotional eater, and that doesn’t go away over night, I struggle most on stressful days. I’m learning to bring the stress to the Lord instead of eating away my troubles. Thankful for 2.5 years with THM. Newbies take a before pic!!! You’ll be so thankful you did!

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Just so AMAZED at how Trim Healthy mama works . . .

It’s been almost 2 years, but DANG . . . I’m just so impressed with my own self and the suggestions of you all. THAT THM LIFE THOUGH . . .

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Today I turn 40! I really had to build up to being excited about this! It’s more important how I feel on the inside than the outside!

I started Trim Healthy Mama 5 years ago. Someone actually gave me their book! I was all over the place with how to get healthy and loose weight! My mom had just passed away of ovarian cancer and I was so afraid of food taking me down her path. I was a vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist… You name it, I did it!

After losing weight with baby number 5 on THM, I was able to have a THM pregnancy and nurse with baby number 6. It was the fastest recovery of all the children. Going from a size 12 to a size 2 I discovered those ugly words… diastisis recti. I discovered my gap was big enough to fit my entire fist in. My 6th baby is 3 1/2 and I have been working hard on closing that abdominal gap, feeling strong and proving that age is a mere number!

My goals with THM are always changing. First it was about just losing 10 pounds. Then it was feeling comfortable in shorts. I rarely stand on a scale. I go by how I look in a mirror and how I feel in my clothes! I eat more E’s than S. I never cheat… only treat!

These pictures are on my desktop and remind me of not how hard life used to be, but how hard I worked to now feel fabulous… at 40!!!!!

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Same baby, but a lot less hip to hold him on! 10 months on plan. I reached my goal weight pretty quickly. I had given myself a number on the scale, so unfathomable that I would actually reach it, I’ve now lowered my goal for my upcoming Trimmiversary. I love Trim Healthy Mama! 40 pounds less of me now!

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My husband suggested that I post the following before and after pictures. So . . . here we go.

We started in January this year, but the pictures on left were taken in July of 2016. We were the same size when we started the plan in January. We’ve lost a combined total of 100+ lbs. All of you ladies have been super encouraging, and I hope to be an encouragement to others on their journey.

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