June 2019
*Archived Edition: Please note that some products and pricing may not be currently available.

From Serene & Pearl:
Welcome to the 2019 Summer edition of our eZine!
We have new product releases, new scrumptious summer inspired recipes (including a free THM Summer Meals Collection featuring 50 fantastic, warm weather friendly recipes), and some new amazing testimonies (focusing on fertility stories of hope). You’re not going to want to miss even one page of this eZine so grab a cool drink and start feasting your eyes on all this THM goodness!
First things First. Our launches are big and they’re beautiful.
Let’s take a look:

20 Pack Trim Healthy Hydrates Stick Packs are here baby!
We released a sampler 8 pack of Hydrates last month and they were such a hit all we’ve heard ever since is… “Serene and Pearl, pleeeeeeease get the Hydrates back in stock and please give us more of them, eight is not enough!”
Well here you go… just in time for the warmest months of summer we have packs containing 20 sticks of each flavor. Take your pick from Blue Skies Colada, Lemon Love, Cherry Berry and Orange Oasis. Perhaps you’ve figured out your favorite flavor or two by now but if not, we also have a variety pack featuring an assortment of each of the 4 flavors.
We heard your plea and did our best to hopefully make enough for all of you. As you know, we’ve too frequently underestimated the enthusiasm of our THM Mamas and have run out of stock too quickly on many of our best-selling products. We’ve done our best to make tens of thousands of hydrates but please don’t be mad at us if we sell out as remember, we never borrow money to buy stock, we work as a debt free company in this regard.
Why are Trim Healthy Hydrates so special?
Ordinary water transforms into a drink of dreams with no harmful ingredients like sugar, unhealthy dyes, junk fillers, artificial ingredients or even needless calories or carbs. Getting yourself and your kids to drink more water no longer has to be a chore. You can take a deep, thirst quenching, flavor punching swig and feel good about your healthy, trimming choice.
Keep the stick packs in your purse, car, kitchen or office and in your kids’ backpacks for instant, all-natural, vibrant, tasting flavor. Just put one stick pack in a large glass or bottle of water about 16 ounces, although we heard back from some of you frugal Mamas that just one hydrate in 32 ounces works too.
You still enjoy it that way and it saves money.
Speaking abut the price on the Hydrates… we had to start somewhere. This price is not as low as we want it to be for you but erythritol has recently steeply risen in price and the current place we are having these manufactured is not cheap to work with.
So, to try to offset those costs, we are putting our wholesale price on these for you. Our goal is to get them down to $15.99 for the 20 pack instead of $17.99. We hope to do that in near future by purchasing our own stick pack machine, but until such time since we are giving you wholesale price, we can’t do any sale prices or else we will lose money on them.
Introducing Chillax CBD Cream!
We are more excited about this cream than any of our best-selling CBD products to date! We promised you a cream for the Chillax tincture for easier use and more therapeutic ability and here it is!
Our patent pending, topical formula absorbs more quickly and powerfully than the tinctures and is easier to use for children and those who prefer not to swallow CBD products.
Read all about it in our article explaining how it works here:
Watch the video below where we talk about the creams application and use.
Masculine Prime CBD Tincture is back!
Too many of you missed out on purchasing this male boosting CBD formula when we released it last month. It sold out in a couple of hours! This full spectrum 300 mg hemp formula for men can help with energy, vigor, mood, pain, sleep… and love life (he he).
We are honoring the original sale release price here since too many of you were not able to purchase last time.
Here are just a couple of testimonies of how well men are doing on this:
“Masculine Prime gave me added energy, helped me sleep better and even brought down my blood pressure. I am sold!” – Jeff R
“I found that it provided significant masculine support. My wife can attest to how much support it gave me as I showed extra interest in her every move. It gave me more energy in general such that I could now match her late night binge watching desires with plenty of support for more entertaining activities afterward. That said, when it was time to sleep, I got real sleep. I slept soundly all night long and woke up without my alarm refreshed and ready to go, usually 30 minutes to an hour earlier than normal. I was able to work with more focus due to the good night’s sleep.” – Allen B.
“My husband has become a powerhouse! Energy, mental clarity and focus, physical strength are all noticeably increased- his co-workers remark about this “new man”. His blood pressure wasn’t managed with two different meds. He’s cut back to one, and his numbers have been down to healthy range consistently!” – Steve’s wife
“Masculine Prime has tremendously helped this 62 year old in many ways. Less pain in that old ‘clutch knee’ as well as other joints and muscles. Improved mental clarity and sleep. Greater energy to get through the work day and improved stamina to keep up with my young wife! I definitely do not want to be without this product!” – Leon S
We hope you enjoy this summer edition of Trim Healthy Living. As always… thank you for your ongoing love, trust and support!