Body-Burn Mayonnaise

Body-Burn Mayonnaise (S)

The MCT oil in this dressing is a metabolism reviver and helps protect your brain from the ravages of diseases like Alzheimer’s. This mayo is a lovely golden color from the egg yolks and mustard. If you are a Drive Thru Sue, know that you can purchase regular mayonnaise from the store and it will be still on plan. But if you want to get adventurous and try your hand at homemade sometime, don’t be skeered! It’s easy and healthier.

Serving Size: Multiple-serve; Makes about 1 cup


– 2 large egg yolks
– 1 Tablespoon lemon juice (or apple cider vinegar)
– 1/2 teaspoon Mineral Salt
– 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
– 1 doonk THM Pure Stevia Extract Powder
– 1/2 cup THM MCT oil
– 1/2 cup grapeseed oil (or any mild, cold-pressed oil)


1. Put all the ingredients except the oils in a blender, then run the blender on its slowest setting. Slowly add the oils a little at a time while the blender is running. (You can also try this in a bowl with a whisk; it will be a workout for your arm but you should get a similar result.)

2. Chill in the fridge.

You can extend the refrigerator life of this by adding a couple Tablespoons of whey water from your cheese making, then leaving the mayo to sit on the counter for a few hours before refrigerating.


NSI (If you use your favorite store-bought, on-plan sweetener.)


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