Sparkling Berry Lemonade (FP)

Who needs health and waistline robbing soda when you can drink this bubbly, healthy goodness on a warm afternoon? This makes one-quart of yummy goodness to be shared among 4 people, make multiple batches for a larger group! While this is not an all-day sipper (due to the berries) it is a FP on the Trim Healthy Mama plan and can be enjoyed frequently with meals!

Serving Size: Approximately 4


– 1/2 cup fresh berries (can also use frozen, your choice of berries)
– 1 cup water
– Juice of 2 lemons
– 1 quart sparkling water
– 6 doonks THM Pure Stevia Extract Powder


1. Add 1/2 cup of berries and 1 cup of water to blender and blend smooth.

2. Using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, strain berry liquid to remove any pulp or seeds.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir. Adjust sweetener to your taste – “own it”!

4. Pour over ice and garnish with lemons and mint for a fancy presentation or just drink it “plain” for a refreshing treat.


For NSI: Use a store-bought, on-plan sweetener.

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