
I come from a weight loss surgery background (34 years ago). I had a 55 pound regain from my original 135 pound loss. Nothing I ever did would let me achieve my goal of losing that 55 pounds. I had actually ‘tried’ to resolve myself to the fact that I had killed my metabolism and this was as good as it would ever be.

A friend from church shared Trim Healthy Mama with me. I received my book, read enough to grasp the basics and then jumped in with both feet.

Two years later, 54 pounds given away and I’ve never looked back! I am so happy that I will never ‘diet’ again . . .

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Thank you to those that encouraged me to keep going. It’s paying off! So thankful for Trim Healthy Mama and a pain free face! Praise the Lord!

Note: I did not cut anything out or change my face routine. This is strictly cutting out sugar and letting my gut heal up.

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Today marks my 2-year Trimmiversary and 65 pounds gone forever. I absolutely love this plan and cannot imagine my life without it. Have I always been perfect? No! Have there been times I wanted to throw in the towel? Yes! But I persevered and stuck with it. Don’t give up ladies you’ve got this!!
Pics: far left 2015, far right 2017.

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Ladies, this is something that I never thought I’d post. Seriously. The photo on the left is me a little over a year ago, the one on the right is me today.

I had tried EVERYTHING to lose weight, including working out so hard at the gym that I partially tore tendons. One little leap of faith after hearing about Trim Healthy Mama from a family member was all it took. I bought the cookbook and never looked back!!

I have fallen off plan numerous times, but I’m happy to say I’m only 20lbs away from my goal weight and I’m wearing a size 10 jeans!! I havenÕt seen that size since before my teenagers were born! ??

Thank you Pearl & Serene!! I couldn’t have done this without you!

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Wow. What a difference a year makes. I found the picture on the left last night, when I happened to be wearing the same shirt. It was taken the Saturday after Thanksgiving, when I had a 5 month old baby, was feeling horrible, and not losing weight due to my then undiscovered Hashimoto’s disease (in fact, someone asked me that evening if I was pregnant again–and I hadn’t worn that shirt again until yesterday because I was so sensitive about it).

Ladies, I am now 17 months postpartum. And as of today, after 4 babies, I now weigh what I weighed before having my very first.:-D Let me tell you, it has been long journey to reach this point. When I first started THM 5 years ago after the birth of my 2nd baby, I lost all my baby weight (30 lbs.) in a matter of a couple of months. After my 3rd, it took me 12 months to lose everything. This time around, months passed by without ANY progress. I ate THM because I knew it was good for me–even though I didn’t see any physical results. At 4 months postpartum, my health began crashing. Finally, in January of this year, after much testing, we discovered that I had Hashimoto’s disease–which runs in my family.

Once we discovered that, I researched and found that I needed to go completely dairy and gluten free. I began doing that, and suddenly the weight started slowing coming off. All of this was while exclusively breastfeeding my baby up to 14 months old, due to his having some severe eating issues.

Finally, in May of this year, I invested in the Workins program. And while weight didn’t really move, my clothing started getting smaller! I’ve kept pressing on with Workins 3 times a week, and strict S and E, with the occasional crossover when I felt I needed it. And finally, in the last couple of weeks, the weight started melting off! I’m now at my goal weight! And, to crown the achievement, my hubby looked at me today and asked me to stop losing weight before I lost all my curves! <3 Crossover land, here I come!

So, the moral of my story…sometimes if you’re stuck and can’t lose, don’t forget that there might be an underlying issue preventing you from losing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Just stick with the plan, and you will see results. Sometimes our bodies need to heal before we can lose. I now feel the best that I’ve felt in YEARS. And, yes, I’m still nursing my now 17-month-old. So, it is possible! It just might take longer than we like. But with THM, every mouthful is nourishing and healing. So be of good courage!

Once we discovered my thyroid difficulties in February of this year, I began making drastic changes in my supplements, diet, and exercise, and after months of hard work and determination, the picture on the right is my reward. I not only look healthier, but I FEEL healthier–and that’s the best part of all. It just takes a determination and a willingness to do the hard things–reject that bread, turn away that sugar, even avoid dairy if necessary. It’s been difficult at times, but I am oh so grateful I stuck with it! And I’m so grateful to both my awesome midwife and to Trim Healthy Mama for giving me the knowledge and the tools to accomplish my goal!

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Had to share my awesome husband’s Progress! First photo is Jan. 28th. Third photo this morning, he’s at 219. He’s fabulous! 2 years of the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle and total weight loss of 91 pounds. His highest weight was 310.

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Not quite my Trimmiversary yet, but January of last year is when I was first diagnosed with PCOS and began my journey with eating better and walking everyday. I lost my first 20lbs and then a friend introduced me to Trim Healthy Mama and it has helped me to continue losing weight while also healing my body.

January of last year, a doctor told me I would never ovulate on my own and if I got pregnant through fertility treatments I would be a shoe in for a high risk pregnancy. I was prediabetic and showing signs of hypoglycemia, I was a mess.

My labs are coming back great and I am now ovulating regularly ON MY OWN! 🙂 Almost 50lbs down!

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I thought I’d share some encouragement today! Ladies and gentlemen, it may seem tedious at times, or that you are barely losing weight, but no matter what . . . DO NOT QUIT!! Persevere through those negative thoughts, and days you just want to eat a whole pint of ice cream!

I have been on Trim Healthy Mama for a little over a year now and am down 121 lbs . . . THATS A PERSON!!! This past weekend I was able to do something I have always wanted to do . . . RUN A 5K!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, don’t quit. Keep going no matter what! Rejoice in the Non Scale Victory!!

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Top of Form Bottom of Form August 19th was my one year anniversary. Thankful for this plan. My sweet friend Mary shared it and I will never look back. 90 pounds lost. I have lots more to go but it so worth the journey.

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