Quickles (FP)
“Quickies,” also known as “Instant Super Food Pickles,” are an amazing addition to any meal, especially during the summertime when cucumbers are abundant. They make a great side to your soup, sandwich, or alongside any dinner… or for part of a quick snack! This recipe was mentioned in Episode 127 of the Trim Healthy Podcast, a.k.a. “The Poddy”.
Serving Size: 1 Multiple-Serve Recipe
– 1 large cucumber, sliced
– 3 to 4 Tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar (ACV)
– 4 generous pinches Mineral Salt (or any Himalayan or Celtic sea salt)
– 1 Tablespoon THM Gentle Sweet (or raw honey or other stevia-based sweetener, to taste)
– Black pepper (to taste)
1. Take a large cucumber and slice into slices the size of your liking.
2. In a glass pint size or a salsa prepared glass jar add the raw apple cider vinegar, mineral salt, THM Gentle Sweet and black pepper. Give all of these ingredients a quick stir.
3. Start adding the cucumber slices to the jar and pack as many slices as you can in the jar.
4. Place the lid on the jar and shake the jar to coat the cucumber slices with the liquid mixture.
5. Leave the jar on the counter and shake them here and there as you pass by them throughout the day.
6. After the jar has sat on the counter for at least several hours, place the jar in the refrigerator for storage.
– Serve as a side to any meal or snack.
– This recipe was mentioned in Episode 127 of the Trim Healthy Podcast: “All You Need Are These 3 Things to Be Healthy”