Longing for ways to make your THM journey easier? These two recipes from the new Trim Healthy Table book are game changers when it comes to having quick, slimming, delicious food ready without any stress!
Hangry Pockets
Hangry Pockets are your new healthy fast food. Read through the recipe included here or on page 320 of Trim Healthy Table. Then, watch our video below for a visual on how to make them.
Take an hour or two one afternoon or evening to whip up a bunch of them up so you can store in your freezer for ready made meals. When you are hangry (that is a state of hungry/angry…no time to mess around cooking), shove one in the oven and you’ll have a succulently steamed, amazing THM meal ready – without any prep or dishes to wash afterwards! Cut into your hot, scrumptious pocket and just enjoy! You can add a side salad if you want but if you include tons of veggies in your pocket, that is optional.
Wanting to take Hangry Pockets as a quick, easy lunch if you work outside the home? Go ahead and oven steam them ahead of time then do a quick reheat in the microwave if you have access to one. (Let’s just not tell Serene about this last part).
Click HERE for the full recipe.
Italian Trim Train Soup
Italian Trim Train Soup is another tool you’ll want to put in your “this makes things easier” THM belt. This recipe makes a ton of soup but don’t be overwhelmed by that… the huge amount is no accident and it can be your life saver.
The recipe is enough to feed a large family one full meal then you’ll have plenty of leftovers to heat up for single-serve lunches or quick dinners for the rest of your week. Freeze in single-serve amounts from the get-go… that will give you roughly 12 filling, super slimming meals!
We’re not talking measly cups here… we’re talking large bowls! So go make some and don’t forget to tweak the seasonings until you “own it and it rocks your THM world”!