(New Earth Milk Recipes)
If you’ve been scrolling through any of the THM face book groups lately you’ve probably noticed pictures of mason jars filled with green liquid posted everywhere. There’s been an Earth Milk revival! Earth Milk was a recipe that Serene created and put in our very first book, then she reworked it to go in our first official cook book as an all-day sipper drink. But sadly, it became one of those lost gems of a recipe, (nobody really mentioned it much) until Katie McReynolds started posting about how much it has helped her (along with lots of great E meals) walk out of stubborn weight and a diagnosis of hypothyroidism into pounds gone and body healing. Katie’s posts… they’re so real… so hard not to smile or laugh at and so inspiring… it’s no wonder so many come on Facebook just to find her next THM post.
Earth Milk can be sipped on all day and it is a great addition to your meals and snacks. It can be an especially yummy treat to have alongside your eggs in the morning if you aren’t a big “veggie for breakfast” person.
The original Earth Milk All-Day-Sipper can be found on page 402 of the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook.
Now here are three new versions for you to try:

(Magaly’s Mexican-inspired Tajin Earth Milk Sip)
This first fiesta-in-your-mouth Earth Milk variation is from THM Certified Coach Magaly Weaver.
Magaly says: “When I first saw the craze about the Earth Milk I thought to myself I would never have veggies in my drink. I mean, why should I put blended veggies in my drink when I actually love eating my veggies? It’s not like I have a veggie deficiency! I love veggies and fruit already. Haha! But PEER PRESSURE of the Facebook Earth Milk Sip Challenge and the addition of my friends challenging me to do it made me brave enough to try it. So, I decided if I was going to drink this, it needed to fit my own taste buds. I have always liked cucumbers, lemons, limes so why not give it a try… but also Tajin and Lemon Love Hydrates had to be present to the fiesta. These combinations of flavors are the best childhood memories from Mexico. I hope you can enjoy this tweak as much as I have. Now I’m challenging YOU to make this.”
You can find the original posting of Magaly’s Tajin Earth Milk Sip and her coaching website can be found here at “From Caterpillar to Butterfly”.
Serving Size: Single-serve; 1-Quart All-Day Sipper
– 1 to 1 and 1/2 cups of ice
– 8 ounces water
– 1 single-serve package of THM Lemon Love Hydrates (optional, or substitute for 1/2 to 1 Tablespoon of THM Baobab Boost powder to make it extra citrusy)
– 1 to 2 teaspoons THM Gentle Sweet
– 4 teaspoons Tajin powder, divided (I use blue lid/low-sodium version, if using regular Tajin, you’ll want to reduce the amount.)
– 1 medium – large seeded and diced cucumber
– 1/4 cup lime juice
– 1/2 cup lemon juice
– 1 to 2 cups fresh baby spinach
– 1 and 1/2 Tablespoons THM Integral Collagen
– 1 teaspoon THM MCT oil
– 1/2 teaspoon THM Just Gelatin (dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water)
1. Mix all ingredients well in blender, using only 2 teaspoons of the Tajin. Set the remaining 2 teaspoons aside for step 2. Strain the blended liquid into a 24-ounce jar (you’ll have leftovers depending on the amount of water and ice you’ve used).
2. Sprinkle the remaining 2 teaspoons of Tajin onto a small, flat surface. Wet a glass rim with a squeeze of lime and dip it into the Tajin.
3. Pour your Earth-arita from your jar into the prepared glass! Enjoy!
You can double or quadruple this recipe to be easier on you. I recently used my juicer appliance and I added whole cucumbers and spinach to the juicer. It took less than 2 minutes. I still have to strain the cucumber and spinach residue into a jar as they had a lot of juice.
When in comes to “juicing”, please keep in mind that drinking liquid carbs from high glycemic fruits or root vegetables are OFF-plan. Using cucumbers and spinach, which are FP fuels, are okay to use in moderation (1 cup or less per quart jar to keep it in FP-territory and in sipper-mode when you add the water and ice). So, whatever amounts of cucumber and spinach juice you have gathered from the juicer, make sure you use 1 cup or less with water and add the rest of ingredients to each quart jar to make ahead of time.
After making this several times, you can omit the gelatin if you use the baobab powder. Baobab is a natural thickener.
Earth-arita, Magaly’s Tajin Earth Milk Sip recipe & other delicious THM recipes can be found at www.TrimHealthyMembership.com

Spring cleaning your house this season? Why not your body, too! This version of Earth Milk is super detoxifying using both nutrient-dense parsley and cleansing cilantro. These balancing, spring-time herbs boast so many benefits and are anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting! Cilantro and parsley also work as digestive aids, blood purifiers and may even help ease hormonal mood swings.
Serving Size: Single-serve; 1-Quart All-Day Sipper
– 1 cup boiling water
– 2 oolong or green tea bags, or 1 teaspoon matcha powder (if caffeine sensitive, leave the tea out or use decaf green tea or rooibos tea)
– 1/2 cup (tightly packed) cilantro
– 1/2 cup (tightly packed) fresh parsley
– 3 doonks THM Pure Stevia Extract powder
– 4 pinches Mineral Salt
– 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
– 1 teaspoon THM MCT oil, or 1/2 teaspoon extra-virgin coconut oil
– 1/2 teaspoon THM Simply Sunflower Lecithin (optional, but makes a creamier drink that won’t separate)
– 1 teaspoon THM Pristine Whey Protein powder or THM Integral Collagen
– 1/2 teaspoon THM Just Gelatin
– 1 cup ice cubes for blending and
– 2 cups ice cubes for serving
1. Pour the boiling water into a quart jar and steep the tea bags in it for 1 to 2 minutes.
2. Put the greens, stevia, cinnamon (if using), MCT oil, lecithin (if using), whey or collagen and salt in a blender. Don’t add the coconut oil (if using instead of MCT oil).
3. Remove the tea bags and discard. Stir the gelatin and coconut oil (if using) into the hot tea. When the gelatin is dissolved add the 1 cup ice and let cool for 10 seconds.
4. Add the tea mixture to the blender and blend everything together for 1 full minute. Let the blender rest for a few seconds, then run it again for 1 minute or until the greens have been pureed and there is no sign of leaf sediment.
5. Fill a quart jar a little over halfway with the remaining 2 cups ice cubes, pour the earth milk concentrate over the ice, and add water to the top of the jar, if necessary. Taste and adjust the flavors to “own it.”
Spring Detox Earth Milk Sip recipe and other delicious THM recipes can be found at www.TrimHealthyMembership.com

This version of Earth Milk switches things up with the flavors of coffee and chocolate together!
Serving Size: Single-serve; 1-Quart All-Day Sipper
– 1 cup of brewed coffee or a shot of espresso with water added to equal 1 cup
– 1 tightly packed cup of leafy greens of choice
– 1/4 teaspoon THM Chocolate Natural Burst (optional)
– 1 to 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
– 3 doonks THM Pure Stevia Extract powder
– 4 pinches Mineral Salt
– 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
– 1 teaspoon THM MCT oil or 1/2 teaspoon extra-virgin coconut oil
– 1/2 teaspoon THM Simply Sunflower Lecithin (optional, but makes a creamier drink that won’t separate)
– 1 teaspoon THM Pristine Whey Protein or Integral Collagen
– 1/2 teaspoon THM Just Gelatin
– 1 cup ice cubes for blending and
– 2 cups ice cubes for serving
1. Brew the coffee or espresso to equal 1 cup of liquid.
2. Stir the gelatin and coconut oil (if using) into the hot coffee. When the gelatin is dissolved, add the 1 cup ice and let cool for 10 seconds.
3. Put the greens, stevia, cinnamon (if using), MCT oil (if you didn’t use coconut oil), lecithin (if using), cocoa powder, Chocolate Natural Burst (if using), whey or collagen, and salt in a blender.
4. Add the coffee mixture to the blender and blend everything together for 1 full minute. Let the blender rest for a few seconds, then run it again for 1 minute, until the greens have been pureed and there is no sign of leaf sediment.
5. Fill a quart jar a little over halfway with the remaining 2 cups ice cubes, pour the earth milk concentrate over the ice, and add water to the top of the jar, if necessary. Taste and adjust the flavors to “own it”.
The Mocha Earth Milk Sip recipe and other delicious THM recipes can be found at www.TrimHealthyMembership.com