
See the ‘Glenda’ staring out at the ocean? She was searching for answers back then, and had been doing so for many years.

She ended up with a high weight of 310.8 pounds and feared the numbers would continue to climb.

I see people reaching out on these Facebook pages, asking us WHY should they try Trim Healthy Mama plan. It’s a JOY to see so many compassionate ‘Momas’ answering and helping. The ‘WHY?’ for me began as a desperation to have relief from chronic pain, especially legs/knees and to be free from food addiction. This is the healthiest most sustainable way of eating I’ve ever found.

I’ve struggled for so many years on so many plans. I learned valuable skills from everything I tried, but Trim Healthy Mama gave me FREEDOM by removing my addiction to sugars of a kinds and high glycemic carbs. I had struggled with compulsive/emotional overeating since childhood. For 20+ years I even fell into bulimia and the lie it would take away my emotional pain and weight. Thanks to THM, my food cravings are gone and stay gone when I eat on plan. That means more to me than the 137.4 pounds I have lost so far! I already had 38.2 pounds off when I began THM 6/30/2016 and have lost the rest on THM plan.

I’ve got 24.4 pounds left to reach my current goal. BEST of all I have a LIFESTYLE that will keep my weight off and help me stay healthy as I possibly can for the rest of my life.

I encourage you to do what others advised me to do when I began: READ the plan, (plan book and now we also have the intro chapters to the newest cookbook), listen to the weekly podcast, learn about helpful bloggers who help explain the plan and develop recipes and meal plans, ask questions on this and other THM Facebook pages. Just commit to learning one day at a time and use what you learn. It’s okay not to know every single detail all at once. When I began God spoke into my heart: ‘LOVE yourself healthy ONE day at a time!’ and ‘Just.DON’T.Quit!’ Am I perfect? NO! My hope and prayer is that God would use me just as I am to encourage others as others have done for me!

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Just wanted to share a Trim Healthy Mama Non Scale Victory. I started this program at the end of April. Was having good success and my oldest son, 17, wanted to do it with me.

The top photo is from Mother’s Day, he began the next day. The lower photo is from this morning, about 3 months of being on plan. I do not know the exact amount he has lost, but he has started running too, which has helped, and is now forcing us to modify his diet again to accommodate this new exercise regime. We need to add more carbs for sure but he has learned what foods he can and cannot mix in one sitting in order to maintain on days he is at school or elsewhere. He now finds it easier to find foods to eat, but like a teenager, he still splurges.

So proud of him and just wanted to share.

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Are you also “new” to Trim Healthy Mama? Here’s an inspiring testimony and some great tips to start your New Year from a THMer of 2 Years!

“It’s my 2 year Trimmiversary! 2 years ago for Christmas, I asked for the book and my hubby got it. I’ve lost 70lbs and have been maintaining my goal weight for about 6 months.

I am the smallest I’ve ever been. More than that, I have gained health and been freed from food addiction. God has used this plan to heal me in many ways. I actually love myself! I used to have chronic migraines and now I rarely get them. I have so much more energy, and my brain fog is gone.

Tips: Just keep going! I did not do things perfectly in the beginning, but I gave myself grace and moved on.

Keep it simple, especially at first! I ate many of the same things because they were simple. I started with using Stevia as the only ‘special’ ingredient.

Your taste buds will change! I hated just about any sweet when I first started out. Now I love them all. I hated Swiss bread, now I like it! It takes time for taste buds to adapt.

Don’t cheat if you can help it. I only ate off plan on purpose once in the 2 years. I can always find something to eat no matter where I go.

Plan ahead! I know I love sweets so I take a couple of hours and make things for the week. That way I am not reaching for off plan items when I need a sweet treat.”

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Today is my Trimmiversary. I reached my goal weight June 10th and have kept it off for eight months. I feel so much better.

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My 1-year Trimmiversary is in two weeks.

My best friend, Felicia W., began telling me about this diet called Trim Healthy Mama. She was telling me the details and that I needed to jump on board. I would listen but thought I already knew everything that anyone could possibly know about eating healthy. Needless to say, I eventually gave in to her.

I began my journey with Trim Healthy Mama on October 4, 2016. I was at a point in my life to where I told myself that I was just going to be big the rest of my life because I was a total sugar and food addict. I didn’t want to change, even though I was sick of being overweight and tired all the time. I just couldn’t find any motivation. Felicia did great at getting me started and I will forever be grateful to her and of course Pearl and Serene.

I went from a 16/18 pant to a 4/6 and a XL/1X top to a small. I have lost between 60-70 pounds but have gained so much knowledge and confidence. I have in return helped several people get started on their very own THM journey. To say I’m blessed would be an understatement.

Thanks again Felicia, Pearl & Serene!!!

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It is by the grace of God that at 48 I am able to do more things than I could 20 years ago. I have run two 5K’s with another coming up. I feel so much better, have more energy and can get up off the floor without having to crawl to the couch first to pull myself up.

I wish I had known about this plan when I was in high school. I have always been overweight. I remember being so excited to fit into a size 14 pair of flowered jeans (anyone remember those). But I did it by eating practically nothing. So that didn’t last. In the before picture I was a size 28 and now I am a size 16. And I did it by eating cheesecake for breakfast and cookies and chocolate and so many tasty things.

I started THM in February of 2016. I had the first book for literally a year and never started. Then when that first cookbook came out I got it right away. It was so helpful in putting the plan into practice. This is something you can do! I was even able to stay on plan when my mom had to be in the hospital for 29 days. It wasn’t perfect and I sure had a lot of chicken salad, since it was easy to make, but it was possible to stay on plan through it all.

I’m so thankful for Serene and Pearl for sharing this plan with us. And I’m so thankful to their families for sharing Serene and Pearl with all us Mama’s. What a difference this has made in my life. Now I plan to put my daughter on THM (shhhh! Don’t tell) and Trim Healthy Table will be so helpful in doing that.

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I will be celebrating my 2 year Trimmiversary in a few weeks. I am posting early since Thanksgiving is around the corner and I’m very Thankful the Lord led me to this plan.

On December 10, 2015, I saw myself in the before photo and wondered what I had done to myself. I was an exhausted wife and mother of 3, working full time. I thought I knew how to eat, but when I read the first Trim Healthy Mama book, it challenged everything I thought I knew about healthy eating.

I tried it, skeptically at first, because I saw all the wonderful testimonies in the forums and the spectacular results that all you wonderful ladies were posting. The pounds and inches started coming off, albeit, very slowly.

I started out at 167 lbs. I’m 5′ 5.5″. By the end of 2016, I was down to 132 lbs. I went from a size 12/14 to a size 4/6. I worked out faithfully 5 days a week the first year.

Enter year 2, things at work went crazy, my 3 kids were in various activities, I had to get a certification at work, my husband started dealing with anxiety, I was working out less and less. I decided that even if I couldn’t work out, I was still going to eat right, the THM way. I fluctuate 4 pounds over my weight of 132 lbs. even not working out. My hair grows like crazy, my skin looks better than it ever did. I feel free that I can eat healthy, workout or not, and still maintain my weight loss.

Ladies, life happens. By the way, when my husband saw what I had achieved, he asked me to help him. He is the pickiest eater you will ever meet in your life, but so far, using the THM principles he has lost 56 pounds and counting. When I first started, I felt completely overwhelmed and like I would never reach my goal. I admit, it took longer than I wanted, but it happened and I’m so glad I started! I am now 41 years young and feel better than I did in my 20s. You can do this ladies, you are worth it!

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Because Trim Healthy Mama has been a big part of my journey and I know many of you sometimes feel hopeless yet recognize the power of God in your life, I would like to share a testimony on my 5th year Trimmiversary.

My daughter jokingly told me not to eat her candy on her way out to school this morning. At least I hope it was a joke, as I think she knows candy binging is not on my list of feel good activities anymore. But it did remind me that 5 years ago it was my favorite mind numbing drug of choice along with any other processed carb in my fridge or pantry. So cheap, so accessible, even socially acceptable. But that day after Halloween as I perused the candy bowl unhappily, God looked down on me wallowing in emotional and physical confusion and whispered that He was beginning a new work in me. And what did I do! I figured it was fantasy, a day-dream, but I took a picture because the day felt memorable. If God could change my mess, I wanted to document it.

And while I fully embrace the empowering culture of self esteem and well being at whatever size you find yourself, I also must tell my story and not negate my truth. That weight was an outward sign of chaos in my life. It stole my confidence, my goals and my joy. It even began to threaten my life. I fully believe you can be happy at whatever weight is right for your particular body, but I can also attest that my body was never intended to carry around those 100 extra pounds. The powers of darkness used my compulsive eating to imprison me. But the Spirit of God set me free.

Change, even in the hands of God, is slow. It took 14 months to lose the weight healthfully, It took 3 years to find my fitness mojo. It takes living each day to continue to make wise choices, gain new insight and try to encourage others without being a pain in the butt. I am thankful for this journey and, trust me, sweet daughter, no candy bowl is turning me back!

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Mamas, can we talk about FEAR?

For years and years I ate because I was afraid of being hungry. Even for the first 18 months of my Trim Healthy Mama journey I ate more than I needed to, not because I was hungry, but because I was afraid I might BECOME hungry before my next meal.

My life has been so hectic over the last few months that many of my snacks and meals have become smaller, and have been eaten on the run. (Not ideal, but survivable for a time.) And you know what I’ve found? Hunger is nothing to fear! It’s only my body letting me know that it’s ready for more fuel, and it will typically wait patiently for me to feed it, even if I can’t do so right away!

I’ve learned that what I’ve actually been afraid of all these years wasn’t hunger, but the sugar crash that used to follow after the sugar high so many of my meals created! Thanks to THM there are no more crashes, no more shakiness, no more lightheadedness, just a gentle sustained energy that ebbs and flows as I fuel my body.

Makes me wonder what other fears it’s time to get rid of!

21 months in. 50 pounds gone. I’m never going back.

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