Cauli Quick Trick (FP)

*NOTE: This is one of the 6 Helpful Hacks that you will find in the Veggieful Ultra-Trimming Menu in the member site.

This hack can be the foundation of so many meals. It can also save your budget and help your whole family achieve better health! Make up a bunch every week and with this sitting in your fridge you have so many breakfasts, lunches or dinners ready within minutes. Have some on hand every week! See the Recipe Notes below for the “Meal Ideas”.

Serving Size: Multiple-serve


– 3-12 ounce bags frozen Cauliflower florets
– 3/4 cup water (or just enough for steaming)
– 1 & 1/2 teaspoons THM MCT Oil
– Mineral Salt (to taste)
– Black Pepper (to taste)
– THM Nutritional Yeast (to taste)


1. Place 3/4 cup of water, or enough water for steaming into a cook pot with a steamer basket and place the frozen cauliflower florets in the basket.

2. Steam the cauliflower over medium heat until well steamed not “al dente”. You want your cauliflower to be nice and tenderly done.

3. Drain the water off of the cauliflower. Once drained use a whisk to gently chop the cauliflower in the pan until little pieces begin to form or to a size of your personal liking.

4. Top the chopped cauliflower with the MCT oil, mineral salt, black pepper and nutritional yeast and stir gently until combined.


– While these instructions use just 3 bags of cauliflower, you can easily increase or decrease amounts for your unique family and situation.

– “Two Sunny Side Up Fried Eggs” served on top of a bed of warmed up “Cauli Quick Trick”, drizzle some THM MCT oil or other oil of your choice on top and enjoy! This would be an S Meal.

– “Avocado & Cauli Quick Trick” …Cut up a mini avocado or a half of a large avocado and place on top of a plate of the “Cauli Quick Trick”, top with mineral salt, black pepper, Braggs Liquid Amino’s and some nutritional yeast. This would be an S Meal.

– “Cauli Quick Trick 5-Minute Stir Fry”… Place your “Cauli Quick Trick” in the pan, add your pre-cooked ground beef, perhaps from Pearl’s “Hack Your Ground Beef”, add in some fresh spinach and mushrooms and heat until your veggies are softened and heated through. This would be an S Meal.



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