Magaly Weaver: THM Certified Coach Testimony

This new, healthy way of eating is amazing. Not only is my body TRANSFORMING but health wise I feel like a new person. Before Trim Healthy Mama, I was diagnosed with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) where there were feelings of anxiety and moodiness that should have never been present in my life. I have a wonderful family and Iím surrounded by dear friends but those feelings were affecting me even more. As a Christian believer, I was struggling with why I felt that way and I kept praying that God would show me the way to a better me. My doctor suggested that I either take more medication or look for better nutrition to improve my health. I would start eating more salads and exercise 4 times a week and then by the end of the month I was so tired and defeated only to have lost a couple of pounds.

Feelings of hopelessness made me want to eat more and more until I couldnít wear the most recent pair of size-14 jeans (the largest size that Iíve ever bought). So one Saturday morning, I came across the THM Facebook Fan Page and noticed there were support groups. I think I read for more than an hour testimony after testimony of ladies that were losing weight and gaining their lives back. So I decided to start immediately.

After the first week of Trim Healthy Mama plan, I weighed in and lost 3 pounds. Wow! Three pounds was huge for me and such a great inspiration. So I bought the Trim Healthy Mama book, READ it and STUDIED it. Then I decided to keep going and keep going and I kept seeing the weight coming off. I noticed after two months that I had lost 17 pounds and my PMDD symptoms were disappearing! I realized that I was more patient at little annoyances which didnít bother me anymore. I started handling stress with more grace. It is amazing how wholesome, healthy food can change all of that! After a few more months, I noticed that my shoes were slightly too big for me and I was using them as flip flops. I started going out shopping for smaller clothes and I realized that I could start wearing all the ìI wish I could wear that againî clothes in my closet.

With much excitement and amazement, I lost 31 pounds in only 6 & 1/2 months on THM! In my first year, I reached goal weight… losing a total of 39 pounds! Soon after, we were blessed to be expecting our 3rd child. I had a healthier pregnancy (in my older age) than I did 15 years previous with my other pregnancies! Iím blessed to report that after 2 & 1/2 years post baby, I have once again reached my goal weight and I am in a comfortable size-6 pants! I expect to eat like this for the rest of my life. This is definitely not a ìdietî. Itís a much better way of eating healthy. I thank God my Father for helping me with this issue and steering me to Trim Health Mama.

Magaly Weaver: Before THM

My Trim Healthy Coaching Specialty

My Coaching Specialty is helping mamas to break a stall. After losing so much weight your body needs to heal and that takes time. Consequently, many people see that the scales stop moving for few weeks, or even months. As an official Facebook Fuel Cycle group admin, I have helped countless mamas with their Fuel Cycle since March 2015. I have the experience and the knowledge to help other struggling mamas through this process. After youíre done with your Fuel Cycle you will be so happy to know that you can do this and you can take that knowledge and apply it to your free-styling menus.

Here are the Coaching Packages I currently offer:

Get out of your Chrysalis (3 Week) Fuel Cycle or Stubborn Loser Package – $125

I will guide you along to help you prepare 1-week in advance before you start your 2-week Fuel Cycle. I will customize 2-weeks worth of menus. I offer unlimited 1-on-1 coaching during a Fuel Cycle (Facebook Messenger Monday through Friday from 7 to 7 pm ET). You will have access to a private Facebook group to keep you accountable. I also offer packages that will help you continue losing weight called Stubborn Loserís menus. I will personalize those fuels according to your needs.

Spring Challenge Group Coaching (8 week) March 4, 2019 to May 6, 2019 – $300

I will study your health assessment so I can better coach you in your journey. It’s important to know your background before any coaching is in place. We are all different and what works for one person might not work for another I will investigate what best works for you. The Group Coaching Package includes several incentives and giveaways, check out my website for details for group coaching. Iíve been coaching groups of 20 or less in a secret Facebook group. Many of my mamas are locals to my area; some are from different parts of the country, and Canada. Many have busy seasons in life but they are happy they can come to the Facebook group and catch up to all the learning, tips, ideas, and accountability. But most of all, if they have any questions about a product, they have their coach at their fingertips.

If you’re interested in the Spring Challenge or any future challenges, just let me know. If you mention you read about me here I will give you a 5% discount on any of my Coaching Packages.

My website:

From Caterpillar to Butterfly, Transform your body & health with Coach Magaly

My FB page:


Phone: 502-234-0163

A Magaly Weaver Coaching Event

Helpful Tips to Break a Stall:

1. Consider if you have been 100% on-plan. If not, get serious!

2. Prepare several Ultra-Fuel Pull snacks. My favorite ones: Lemon Pucker Gummies, ëMazing Marshmallows, Mocha Glycine Glory Pudding, or gluccie puddings.

3. Food journaling can be really helpful. I usually look back to what I ate to see if I have been using too much of one fuelÖ itís important to change it up a bit!

4. Have okra on everything! No, really… on everything! Brownies, soups, shakes, or just roast the okra. Both the Trim Healthy Mama cookbooks have several recipes with okra.

5. Reduce the amount of frankenfoods you use during your week. (Frankenfoods are store-bought items that are ìon-planî but contain less than stellar ingredients.) Usually the recommendation is to only to have a couple items per week. Overdoing frankenfoods can be a reason for a stall.

6. Dairy. Are you using too much dairy in your free-styling? Sometimes you can change the fuels throughout the day but they would still all contain dairyÖ Thatís easy to overlook. For example: You might have a Yuck Yum Bitty (FP) for breakfast, a lean ham with cheese on pita bread for lunch (S), a mid-afternoon Cottage Berry Whip (FP) for snack, and dinner you decide you want breakfast for dinner so you have Trim Healthy Pancakes (E). Even though you change all your fuels, you included dairy in every single one.

7. Add more veggies and leafy greens! Recently I fell in love with kale. Just add kale leaves in a pan, with coconut oil, garlic, onion powder, nutritional yeast, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until it is wilted. Itís amazing!

8. Lastly, consider a Fuel Cycle.

Magaly’s Trim Picadillo (S, FP and E)

– 3 lbs Ground Beef or Turkey (96-99% lean) or the Hack Your Ground Beef tip!
– 6 large Roma Tomatoes
– 1/2 cup of Water
– 1/4 of a medium Onion
– 1/4 of a small JalapeÒo or a whole one. (Depending on how hot you want it.)
– 1/3 cup of frozen Carrots and Peas
– 2 whole Bay Leaves or 1/4 teaspoon crushed
– 4 or 5 whole Cilantro Stems (with leaves attached) or 1/4 cup chopped Cilantro
– 2 teaspoons of Chili Powder (or more to taste)
– 1 teaspoon of Garlic Powder (or more to taste)
– 1/2 teaspoon Onion Powder (or more to taste)
– Salt and Pepper

1. Brown, drain and season the ground meat in a saucepan.

2. In the blender, add tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, and water. Blend for a minute or two until it looks like a sauce.

3. Combine the sauce, cooked meat, and the frozen carrots and peas. Add the whole bay leaves and whole cilantro stems in while cooking (and then remove them before serving). OR, stir in the crushed bay leaves and chopped cilantro.

4. Simmer covered for about 15-20 minutes on low. Stir about half way through. If youíd rather use the crock-pot, you can cook for 4 to 5 hours on high, stirring after about 2 or 3 hours.

Notice that I donít add any fat to my Trim Picadillo because I like to add my additional fats depending on the fuel Iím having. This is really versatile for me. I make it on the weekend and I have enough for my own lunches. If you have a big family you can double the recipe.

S-version… You can add steamed cauli rice. Add a side salad if youíd like.

E-version… Be sure your meat is at least 96% lean. (Or you can cook the higher fat meat to crumbles and rinse the crumbles well under hot water and then drain.) You can add diced sweet potatoes when adding the frozen carrots and peas. Or, you can add brown rice to complete your E meal.

FP-version… Use less ground meat in your dish. In FP we use a smaller amount of lean meat (approximately 3 to 4 ounces per portion). Be sure your meat is at least 96% lean. (Or you can cook the higher fat meat to crumbles and rinse the crumbles well under hot water and then drain.) Add cauli rice and a side salad. Make sure you use low-fat dressing.

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