September 2019

*Archived Edition: Please note that some products and pricing may not be currently available.

From Serene & Pearl:

We welcome you to the 2019 Fall eZine Edition. Excited about this one… so many goodies for you here!  You won’t want to miss all the excellent fall-inspired recipes and helpful articles in this eZine, along with Serene’s Musings, Tips, and Tricks article!

Bar Talk

First things first, let’s tackle this “Bar” topic in a little more depth. We launched the first Trim Healthy bar 3 weeks ago. We made twice as many as we thought we’d need yet we sold out within a couple hours. Okay… we hear you loud and clear. Note to selves… bars make your life easier to stay on plan… make our Mamas lots of bars Serene and Pearl!

Since then we’ve been busy trying to make enough bars to restock, to have enough for all of you who missed out and a lot extra for those of you who got them, loved them and now want more. We’ve been streamlining things in our manufacturing center so that we don’t have long periods of being out of stock in the future. There’s a small possibility we may sell out again (even with making 3 times as many as last launch and limiting everyone to 6 bars per order) but… if we do sell out, know that it won’t be long before we’ll be brining them back in again. If you find it a little frustrating (okay… a lot frustrating), please be patient with us, We are truly sorry for these outages but it is just the way things are as we ramp up production, gauge response then try to get enough ingredients to match that response and enough production time fulfill it all. We do things differently as a business. We have not borrowed money for Trim Healthy Mama to this day. After a while of hit and miss and spotty stock issues… we’ll get steady and you’ll pretty much always be able to get your protein bars.

Huge thanks for your patience and understanding as we go through growing pains being our own manufacturers at what we’ve nicknamed our THM Wonka Factory. The 7th anniversary of when we launched our very first book is right upon us. We had no idea what impact that book would have or that we’d go on to sourcing a product line or that eventually we’d even have our own enormous manufacturing center and have to learn from the ground up how to make our own products on a huge scale. This has been a wild ride and so many of you have been there with us through every up and down. Your loyalty, understanding and enthusiasm blows us away!

THM Kid’s Homeschool Curriculum

Last week we launched Trim Healthy You… our health and nutrition curriculum for children and teens centered on the sane and sound nutritional principles of Trim Healthy Mama. We partnered up with Amanda Mott (a public school teacher turned homeschooler turned Trim Healthy Mama). Together we developed this curriculum to teach children and teens the skills to help them become the healthiest they can be now and for the rest of their lives. Whether you home school and want this to be part of your student’s semester requirements or even if your child does not homeschool, he or she can learn to have vibrant health through applying these principles.

This curriculum fills a large, gaping hole in the education world. Knowledge about how to eat wisely is one of the most important things your student needs to acquire in their lifetime – the earlier, the better. Providing scientific information, Biblical references and practical how to’s in a fun and approachable way, students will be empowered with the knowledge to help them make their own choices when it comes to better nutrition. Each level includes exclusive recipes and age-appropriate exercise ideas, along with hands-on activities to appeal to every type of learner.

Trim Healthy You focuses on health rather than weight. It explains how our bodies work and how food works in us. It explains why all natural food groups are necessary and why empty, sugary foods harm us.  Although weight is not a focus (all unique body types are celebrated), if a student is struggling with weight issues, the information will be a natural, pressure free, joy inspiring help as they implement the ideas and suggestions on how to eat to thrive.

Whether you homeschool your children or whether they go to school and will do this in their own time, this course can be immensely valuable to them now and for their future. For more information visit the FAQ area of the Trim Healthy You site.

We now have digital only options for our Trim Healthy You Curriculum! 

Pearl Chats: We know we had a bit of a late launch for this curriculum so my 14 year old daughter Autumn knew she would be doing it this year and has been anxious to start the intermediate course (she actually took many of the recipe pictures for it). She just got the kit yesterday and is already having a great time with the information. Yesterday she said to me… “So Mom, fruit is a carb then?” I looked at her in surprise. I thought my kids knew these things. I mean… I’m the author of Trim Healthy Mama, I am constantly asking them… “Where’s your protein?” Well I guess I’d missed passing along some of the most incredibly important pieces of information. They’ve heard me speak in S, E and FP language for a long time but perhaps didn’t understand the basics of it all… what actually is a carb… what is a fat etc. Trust me ladies, your kids need this info! I’m so glad she is getting this fundamental teaching in her younger life so she can avoid so many needless health, weight and fad diet issues in her later life. I went to snap a pic of her reading the workbook and Rocky, my 19 year old son, turned up to mess with us of course!

THM Food Analyzer App

Have you downloaded the THM APP yet? It can be a handy help for your THM journey. It will tell you what any food is fuel wise. If you’re not yet familiar with which foods are carbs or fats (S or E) you won’t have to be frustrated over that any longer. Beginner THM’s… this app will be a huge help to you as you go through the learning aspect of THM. If you’re a veteran and THM feels like second nature now, it can still be a help. What about trickier foods? Those can stump the best of us sometimes. Ever wonder about chestnuts, artichokes, rutabaga, turnips, parsnips or bamboo shoots? What about butternut squash… S or E … hmmm. Yep, we’ve got answers for all of those and far more. There is a place for you to enter foods if you don’t see them on there and we’ll get them in the data base. It can help veterans with trickier portion issues too. Like can you have unlimited tomatoes in your S salads or are they best to use a little moderation? How many beans can you have in your Chili etc… these little tips that will help even the most seasoned of Trim Healthy Mamas.

*App may not be currently available on all devices.

Fantastic New Recipes and More Encouragement

The collection of Fall inspired recipes we’ve put together for this Ezine is going to delight your tastebuds and make sure you are not feeling deprived of the aromas and flavors of the season. Soup weather is upon us so please do not miss the five soups we have for you which are all E’s. If you listen to our podcast you know we’ve been encouraging you to eat more E meals in recent months so we thought it was about time for an entire E soup collection. E meals help your metabolism stay strong by nurturing your thyroid and adrenals. If you are suffering from a lagging thyroid or taxed adrenals… get your E meals on girl!

Do not miss the oh so tasty soup recipe that we call Get Methylating Soup. Methylation is crucial for health as it ensures our bodies are detoxing properly. Close to half the population has some form of MTHFR mutation. This mutation makes it harder for methylation to occur which can limit your body’s ability to properly convert homocysteine into methionine. Higher homocysteine levels in your body are something you definitely do not want. They are an indication of inflammation. Some people are not born with an MTHFR mutation but their methylation system can still get dirty and compromised through an unhealthy lifestyle. Pregnant women also have greater methylating needs. Basically… we all need help!!!

The best and safest way to increase methylation is through folate in natural food. Lentils, the star ingredient in this soup are an absolute folate power house! They have a whopping 358 mg of folate per cup making them the second highest folate rich food in the world just behind liver! Just one meal of lentils provides you with more than 90% of your daily folate needs. So start making this soup and let us know how you like it. In this Ezine we are also featuring testimonies from three of our THM coaches who’ve had fantastic success hosting group coaching to their clients. They share their encouraging stories and tips with us and each of them have provided their favorite E soup recipe.

Lastly, checkout the Trimffle recipe and video we made for you. Trimmfles are basically waffles that you use for a sandwich. They are a fantastic replacement for the heavier Chaffle recipe that is currently flying around the online world. Chaffles have tons of cheese and while they may fit the keto lifestyle they don’t really gel with the THM approach of a beautiful balance between wise amounts of fats, blood sugar friendly carbs, adequate protein and lots of veggies thrown in for good measure. Trimmfles have only 3 easy ingredients and are incredibly fun to make. Your food world is about to get a lot more fun and tasty!

Have a beautiful Fall Mamas!

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