A THM coaches’ life with Coach Sarah from A”ray”a Hope Health

“40 women in 40 days”. I heard that still small voice. I thought “Uhmmm, yeah, right! Not going to be me. No, thank you!” The Bible story of Moses and Aaron was brought to my mind. Moses didn’t want to speak to the King, so God told Moses to ask Aaron to go with him. I thought of my fellow THM Coach Nikki Kruse-Dye, who has been partnering with me at my THM events. I asked her if she wanted to partner on a coaching group? I told her my crazy ideas and what I felt the Lord was telling me, she said she was “all in”.

And so, the newest coaching adventure began! But where did this adventure start?

Hi, I am Sarah, a Trim Healthy Mama Coach. How did I get here? Well, that’s actually a very interesting story. It just sort of landed on me. Or did it? What do you call it when all signs keep pointing to what you need to be doing? Fate? Destiny? It was undoubtedly obvious to me that it was God. Over and over again, he kept showing up and exactly when I needed him to. In 2016, our home at the time was needless to say “cozy”. I had been led to teach a THM class at my home and found out during this time that in the future there would be a coaching program. I had no idea what that meant, nor how far into the future.

My passion for THM lead me to pursue what God had planned for me with it. I told the Lord that if he provided the space, I would start hosting THM events at my home on a more regular basis. God surpassed all my desires and we were able to move into a beautiful home with extra space. And if that wasn’t enough, I was also pregnant! This was a miracle in and of itself, as we have struggled with fertility. This was my first pregnancy exclusively following the THM-lifestyle.

At the end of the pregnancy, doubt set in, and I asked God if he really wanted me to become a THM coach. The very next day the mailman dropped off an order I had placed with Trim Healthy Mama. When I opened my box, the beautiful THM bag I had ordered was inside and on it was embroidered “Coach”! “Coach”, you guys! Seriously! My mouth gaping, I couldn’t believe it. THM had accidentally sent it to me, but God knew what He was doing. He knew I needed that affirmation.

The day the Certified Coaching Program launched, June 21st, 2018, I was so excited! I put everything on hold and got certified that day. I actually thought I might be working for THM. Hey, I didn’t know! I just knew everything I did kept pointing me to “green light go”. I found out I needed to start my own business. “Oh, my!” My life consisted of taking care of the four children at home, a 1-year old, homeschooling the other three, running the kids to extracurricular activities, church, family, cooking, helping my sister through college, and the list goes on. Needless to say, I thought my life was busy then!

God gave me my business name in 2017, long before I even knew I would have my own business. I named my business after my daughter Araya Hope. He said I gave you Araya Hope, now I want you to help bring others a ray of hope.

In July of 2018, I was blessed with my first two clients, Amy and Leah. I was completely honest that I had no idea what I was doing and they were so gracious and kind. I learned a lot and that lead me to my next clients. Two became four, four became six, and then I realized that this was becoming a true part-time position. That doesn’t just happen. I know it was God.

There have been many times I just sit and say “I’m sorry, God, you want me to do what?” I had grown enough that now I was sitting there with more mamas than I could help. My heart was heavy, because I knew all these women needed help. I started referring people to other coaches. We have an amazing group of coaches, and I love that we can count on each other and support each other. I especially love that each of us has our own set of talents and specialties and we can refer to each other, so clients can get help from the right person! This is a unique group of women who truly want to help change the lives of others.

One afternoon I got the vision for 40 women in 40 days, for an online coaching group. I started praying for these 40 women. I knew on my own power this was crazy and especially since I’ve never run a group before. I didn’t know what would happen, I had to walk in faith and sometimes, let’s be honest, it’s tough. After 6 weeks of prep, we had 39 women! Can you believe it? I could hardly believe it myself. I was about to go “live” on Facebook to address the group for the first time. I wanted to share with them the cool story about how God orchestrated this group. However, I felt silly telling them the story about the 40, when we didn’t have 40. While I was praying, I heard my phone chime and “boom” number 40! God is always right on time. Not necessarily my time, but right on time. Nothing is impossible when He is the One leading it. I have been stretched and strengthened and challenged this past year. God is not looking for my comfort, he is looking to develop my character.

Coaching has changed my life. Coaching holds me more accountable to what I say to others. I am a firm believer that if I preach it, I better be practicing it. And some days it’s hard. It’s the truth. The number one thing I continually see is the busyness in everyone’s lives, including my own. I’m in a season of busyness putting my family’s needs and God’s desires for me on top. I know this is where God has called me. This is my place of passion, where I can help minister and change lives.

As a coach, I have seen many lives transformed. One transformation is my dad, aka Trim Healthy Papa. I love that he can carry my two-year-old son on his shoulders and run around the house as though he were in his twenties. He has his life back… his youthfulness is back and he is radiating joy. He is so full of God’s grace and mercy. He now wants to share what he has gained and he became the first THM male coach.

That’s what I love about my job, people invite me to be a part of their lives and I get to walk with them and see the transformation. I want to help others find hope and transform into who God has called them to be. God is calling us out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary!

I’m proud to be a Trim Healthy Coach – supporting, encouraging, and mentoring those who desire the support. What’s next for me? Right now, Coach Nikki and I are working with a wonderful group of ladies in our 40 Days Accountability group. Nikki poured her heart and soul into this group and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. I am excited to see how God works in this group and what God does in 40 days. We are excited to get started on our next group coaching that will focus on getting through the holidays on-plan.

On my website you can see reviews about my coaching and sign up to receive my emails and a “FREE” copy of my eBook, “Traveling and Cruising Trim and Healthy.”

I would love for you to follow me on Facebook and Instagram…

Trim Healthy Papa, Coach Derek can be found at…

Want to know more about me? You can read my THM testimony in the EZine from May of 2018…

5 Tips To Help You On Your THM Journey:

1.  Step 1, Get off Sugar!

A. At all costs, do this first. Anything you can do to quit the cycle; this is the best thing you can do for yourself. Riding the crazy sugar train is not fun and leads to the crazy sugar monster. I’ve been there, so whatever it takes, get off sugar!

B. Set yourself up for success by buying on plan ingredients and empty your pantry of junk. Mama, you are the one buying the food, you decide what comes home, take back control of your pantry.

C. Sweet tooth? Get the ingredients you need to make on plan treats. Allow yourself time to adjust to the new sweeteners. Make treats that you can store in the freezer and have on hand for when the sugar monster strikes. You can say “goodbye sugar monster, not today!”

2.  Remember the 5 P’s (Proper planning prevents poor performance!)

A. Plan what you are going to eat in advance.

B. Plan for when you are going to be out and about
* Where are you going? Are you near somewhere that will have something? Do you need to pack something?

C. Pack for the emergency
* I always have my sweeteners in my purse, and now the new THM protein bar and a Chomps turkey stick. I want to always be prepared, because it’s not unusual to get caught in a situation and it’s been 3-4 hrs., if you plan ahead, you never have to worry.

3.  Set SMART Goals!

– Specific
– Measurable
– Achievable
– Relevant
– Time-bound

A.  Set a specific goal, such as I exercise 3 days a week.
* Ask yourself is this measurable? Yes, you need to do it 3 times a week.

* Is it achievable, can you realistically fit this in? Yes, 3 times a week is reasonable, thus achievable.

* Is it relevant? Yes, because it is helping me to achieve my overall goal of health.

* Lastly, is it time-bound? Yes, by the weekly commitment of 3 times. Setting up SMART goals will help you achieve long term success.

B.  Did you know that those that write their goals are more likely to achieve them? So, write down your goals!

C.  Check your goals frequently to see your success and where you need to make changes. Sometimes the goal adapts and changes. Keep striving for improvement not perfection.

4.  Buy those weird things online! THM has grown so much from when I started. I couldn’t order anything and now it’s a click away. So, order the things you can’t find locally online.

A.  A few of my favorite places to get things:
* THM Store (but, of course)

* Vitacost (I love this resource because they offer free shipping on purchases over $50, they have lots of excellent food choices.)

* Amazon, I mean anything you can “prime” to your house in 2 days, it is so easy and convenient!

* For a detailed list of what I like to buy, check out my recommended products.

5.  Give yourself grace. When you mess up, you don’t have to go into a downward spiral. You are 3 hours away from a fresh start. I love this, because it gets rid of the, “I blew it, I might as well mess up the rest of the day.” It’s okay to make mistakes. We all make mistakes. It’s what you do with your mistakes. Pick up the pieces and march on! You got this!

For those of you who are interested in the plan broke down for you, I have an online THM Basics Course. I break the plan down for you into bite size pieces and help you to understand it better. I offer my tips and idea’s and the course be can completed at the speed that works best for you. This is a great place to start.


  • You can check out my favorite drink in fall and winter on my site, Araya Hope Matcha, here!
  • My recipe, Super-Quick Butternut Soup, can be found here on my site!
  • Sarah’s Super Quick Butternut Soup recipe can be found in this edition of the Trim Healthy Living EZine here!
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